Genna Ellis (Audrey) feels so #blessed to be returning to her sassy Audrey roots at The Factory Theater! She received her B.A. in Theatre from Louisiana State University and her M.Ed. from Moreland University. Genna teaches Middle and High School Theatre at GEMS World Academy Chicago and feels very lucky to learn alongside children everyday. Her most recent credits include Last Night In Karaoke Town with The Factory Theater, The Adventures of Spirit Force Five with The Factory Theater, Awkward Santa with Second City TC, One Thousand Words with Theater Faction, The Ticket Booth with Dandelion Theatre, A Christmas Carol with Ignite Theatre, and Romeo and Juliet with Swine Palace. Genna is represented by Ambassador Talent. The Factory Theater is her favorite place and she feels so fortunate to be an Artistic Associate with the company. Genna would like to thank her loving family, friends, cat son, and sweet hubby for being her number one fans! Enjoy the show, y’all!