The Factory Theater presents–
Kitty James and Destiny’s Trail to Oregon
Created by: Phil Claudnic and Jay Berger
Written by: Phil Claudnic
Directed by: Jennifer Betancourt
Previews: Feb 14- 16
Production Run: Feb 21- Mar 29
Kitty James, the Coffee Queen of Independence, MO, is heading West to find her fortune, but a mysterious medallion and an ancient prophecy may lead her down a different path in this hilarious homage to classic adventure films and text-based historical games.
***We are rating this production PG-13. Bring children at your discretion.

Factory After Dark presents
All Hat, No Cattle
Stick around after Kitty James & Destiny’s Trail to Oregon on Saturday, March 22nd for Factory’s favorite variety show that’s so funny, you’ll be fit to split!
Featuring the rootinest tootinest talent this side of the Mississippi
Music, storytelling & much more by Anthony Whitaker, Christopher Ratliff, Theresa Liebhart, Danny Mulae, Eileen Tull and Henry Bender
Karenoke with Johnny Moran
Drag Entertainers Leela Watts as Stratosphera and Coco Sho-Nell
And hosted by David Wiesenhahn

What original shows we’ve got coming your way…
Our History, Our Ensemble, and What We Stand For
You’ll never be more awesome than when you’re performing on our awesome stage in the heart of Rogers Park.